Story of the World by Susan Wise Bauer
Mystery of History by Linda Hobar
List of GREAT books we have read to our darling children:
Basket of Flowers by Christoph Von Schmid
The Hedge of Thorns by John Hatchard
The Little Preacher by Elizabeth Prentiss
Leading Little Ones to God by Marian M. Schoolland
Our Bible Study Rooms
Establishing 1st time Obedience (Can't teach little hearts without this!)
Solid Biblical Parenting Books and Links to Books!

Protecting Your Right to Homeschool
Homeschooling Methods

Math Curriculum
Online Bookstores and other Homeschooling Resources
Some eye-opening articles by John Taylor Gatto - a Top Award Winning Public School teacher in the state of New York, taught for 30 years, presently retired and in high demand as a speaker

Why Schools Don't Educate:  The speech Gatto gave when he accepted the New York City Teacher of the Year Award in 1990. Gatto argues that the crisis of our schools is just one part of the larger crisis of our society.

The Public School Nightmare:  Why fix a system designed to destroy individual thought? An argument against public schooling and in favor of a voucher system.

The Six-Lesson Schoolteacher:  An essay that shows how schools crush students' spirits.

A Short Angry History of American Forced Schooling: This address to the Vermont Homeschooling Conference looks at the history of compulsory eduction to uncover its purposes.

What Really Matters, part 1 and part 2  A two-part essay on why our technological society is unsatisfying.

Art Curriculum
Homeschooling Links
Some eye-opening articles by John Taylor Gatto - a Top Award Winning Public School teacher in the state of New York, taught for 30 years, presently retired and in high demand as a speaker

Why Schools Don't Educate:  The speech Gatto gave when he accepted the New York City Teacher of the Year Award in 1990. Gatto argues that the crisis of our schools is just one part of the larger crisis of our society.

The Public School Nightmare:  Why fix a system designed to destroy individual thought? An argument against public schooling and in favor of a voucher system.

The Six-Lesson Schoolteacher:  An essay that shows how schools crush students' spirits.

A Short Angry History of American Forced Schooling: This address to the Vermont Homeschooling Conference looks at the history of compulsory eduction to uncover its purposes.

What Really Matters, part 1 and part 2  A two-part essay on why our technological society is unsatisfying.

Why Homeschool?  
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since January 2, 2005
Online Bookstores and other Homeschooling Resources
Math Curriculum
Homeschooling Methods

Protecting Your Right to Homeschool
Establishing 1st time Obedience (Can't teach little hearts without this!)
Solid Biblical Parenting Books and Links to Books!

Above pictured:  Our little students
Bryce and Brianna on Mother's Day 2005
Our Bible Study Rooms
List of GREAT books we have read to our darling children:
Basket of Flowers by Christoph Von Schmid
The Hedge of Thorns by John Hatchard
The Little Preacher by Elizabeth Prentiss
Leading Little Ones to God by Marian M. Schoolland
Story of the World by Susan Wise Bauer
Mystery of History by Linda Hobar